Sawley Village Green
What is a village green? A village green is a common open area within a village or other settlement. Historically, a village green was common grassland with, perhaps, a pond for watering cattle and other stock, often at the edge of a rural settlement, used for gathering cattle to bring them later on to a common land for grazing. Later, planned greens were built into the centres of villages. The village green also provided, and may still provide, an open-air meeting place for the local people, which may be used for public celebrations such as May Day festivities.
Sawley Village Green is owned by Grantley and Sawley Parish Council and is protected under Section 12 of the Inclosure Act 1857. Under this law it is a criminal offence to do certain and specific things on and to the village green (regularly parking cars, for instance).
That said, the Parish Council views Sawley Village Green as an asset accepts for the benefit of the community and therefore that it can be used for community events, celebrations and in conjunction with private gatherings being held at the Village Hall. The Parish Council is happy to give general permission for this to happen, subject to an organiser's understanding and acceptance of the certain requirements.
For more details and to request permission to use Sawley Village Green, please download and print off the attached application form at the bottom of this page.